Ahad, 29 Mei 2011



Your first location is Pasar Payang/Central Market, the city's biggest wet and dry market. If this is your first destination of the day, you must go to this market as early as 8.00 am. You should be able to have a parking lot for your car at this time. You must have a checklist for your shopping here.

Choose your parking location. You can choose whether to have an underground parking lots under the Bazar Warisan which is just opposite of the Market, or parking lots beside the road itself or the one with 5 storey parking lots which attached to the Market. All are charging fee for MYR0.60 per hour parking.

Bazar Warisan with underground parking lots

I presume you might need at least 2 hours to be spent here. The Market also have food courts for visitors to have meals here. You may try some local treats, foods, beverages and cuisines for your breakfast. The prices are reasonable.

some local foods and cuisine

 Next, go to the dry and wet portion to see fresh vegetables and fruits for sale.

 Then, visit the textiles section for a view to local silk production as well as the local copper wares.

I presume to this extent, visitors already completed 2 hours inside the Market. You may extend your visiting time for another couple of hours to visit Bazaar Warisan or try to climb the steps of Bukit Puteri, which is just next to the Bazaar. View the entire city panorama from this Hill.

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011


the flag of the Terengganu state, Malaysia


This so called Kuala Terengganu is a very young city. It was started as a Malay fishing village hundred of years ago, before promoted as the state's capital in place of the small town Kuala Berang.

Kuala Terengganu (Jawi: كوالا ترڠڬانو; Chinese: 瓜拉登嘉楼; colloquially abbreviated as KT) is the largest city as well as the state and royal capital of Terengganu state, Malaysia. On the 1st January 2008, Kuala Terengganu was awarded city status

The city has a population of 406,317 and is also the seat of a district of the same name. Kuala Terengganu is located about 500 kilometers northeast of Kuala Lumpur on a promontory surrounded on three sides by the South China Sea. The name means the "river mouth of Terengganu", referring to the broad expanse of the Terengganu River estuary which empties into the ocean at this point. Kuala Terengganu is also the name of the parliamentary constituency in which the city is situated. The inhabitants of the city speak a distinct Terengganese dialect of Malay.

Now, for a start we must plan our trip, because the city has many places of interest...most of them are within the vicinity of the city itself.

Places of interest include Chinatown, Pasar Payang (Central Market), the Sultan's Palaces, the State Museum, Pulau Duyong and the latest attraction is Masjid Kristal and the Islamic Civilization Park in Pulau Wan Man. 

Kuala Terengganu has many places of interest such as the famous Pasar Payang and its newly constructed Bazaar Warisan plus plenty of recreational parks within the city such as Taman (Garden/Park) Shahbandar, Taman Warisan,  Dataran (Square) Maziah, Batu Buruk Recreational Park, Ibai Lagoon and its Floating Mosque + Ibai Golf Club, Pantai (Beach) Pandak, Chendering, Balik Bukit Recreational Park, Pulau Duyung (the host of the Monsoon Cup and the host of local Malay's wooden vessel heritage).

In addition thereof, there is an exotic island located within the city's municipality known as Redang Island. This island together with its archipelago had been a very popular destination for holidays and vacations throughout the world.

Kuala Terengganu also famous with its local foods, treats and cuisines such as keropok lekor Losong, traditional dishes nasi dagang Terengganu, ketupat sotong Terengganu, laksa and laksam Terengganu and plenty of local favorites which I can't describe herein in this post.

The real adventure will begin in the following blogs. Please stay together, with me...

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011



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Ahad, 22 Mei 2011

Kapas Island, beach for free: HONEYMOON

Kapas Island, beach for free: HONEYMOON: "WHAT IS HONEYMOON? One early reference to a honeymoon is in Deuteronomy 24:5 “When a man is newly wed, he need not go out on a militar..."

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